Britton Kerin's Home Page

You've found the personnal home page of Britton Leo Kerin (my gpg key). I'm pretty much your average nerd. I love peace, love and Linux, except on those days when I feel as insane as a squirrel with my nose up a pine cone in search of pine cone pith, but without a squirrel's amazing innate resistance to the adverse neurological effects of turpentine.

I'm currently a graduate student studying computer science at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF). This is a great program in a great school in a great place, and real cheap as well (for you undergrads). I studied electrical engineering at UAF as an undergraduate.


I spend some time working on debian, the best operating system in the history of the world. I spend some other time working on rawrec, a program to record or play back raw samples from a sound card under linux. I use my other little program, soundgrab, to save some of my favorite eclectic tunes that play on UAF's nice campus radio station, which you can listen to on the web.

Hmm, over the course of time, my emacs startup file has grown.


are good. Eric Raymond has done a fine job explaining why on his gun nut page. Though not everyone needs to do this, I'll go ahead and be one of the ones to state publicly that I intend to ignore any law requiring me to register any of my currently unregistered firearms. I'm sure millions of others intend to do the same. So if you are in favor of a national registration system, be aware of the size and seriousness of the opposition :)

My Favorite Poem

Britton Leo Kerin,
Last modified: Tue Feb 12 18:29:25 AKST 2002